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Ukraine: the guidelines and the videos for those arriving in Italy, designed and produced by a research team of the Sant’Anna School, are now available in Ukrainian, Russian, English, Italian. Everything you need to know to entry and to stay in Italy

Publication date: 25.05.2022
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Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, more than 60 thousand people have left the country and arrived in Italy: a research team of the Sant’Anna School in Pisa has developed a series of guidelines and videos, available in four languages (UkrainianRussianEnglishItalian), which provide essential information on the first steps to be followed to facilitate those who arrive in our country. The initiative was promoted by students of Law and Political Science and received the support of the Rector Sabina Nuti.

The information for those leaving Ukraine is disseminated through guidelines and videos and includes practical information on issues such as the regularization of their presence in Italy, the claim for temporary protection and international protection, and the anti-Covid-19 measures to comply with. Videos and guidelines also contain practical information on the institutions that coordinate the reception and accommodation of people fleeing Ukraine and on the telephone numbers to contact in case of emergencySpecific information is also provided to migrant children (especially unaccompanied minors) who, overall, represent a significant part of the total number of displaced persons arriving in Italy: according to data released by the Ministry of the Interior on 4 April 2022, there were over 31.000 of them.

This initiative is in line with other actions already implemented by the Sant’Anna School: the assemblies of the academic community - the first one convened just a few hours after the start of the conflict - to the nine proposals to contribute to pacification, also presented to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Roberto Fico, during his visit to Pisa, to the seminars promoted by Andrea de Guttry, Full Professor of International Law, with the participation of researchers, PhD researchers, and students; fundraising to support the projects of the Italian Red Cross, through cockade in the colours of the Ukrainian flag, which are still available with a minimum donation of 5 euros at the reception of the headquarters in Piazza Santa Caterina in Pisa, the TeCIP Institute (at the CNR research area, in Via Moruzzi 1 in Pisa), the Institute of BioRobotics, in Via Rinaldo Piaggio 34 in Pontedera); numerous educationalresearch and communication initiatives on the reasons for and consequences of the conflict.

“The realization of these guidelines - says the Rector Sabina Nuti - wants to be our contribution to the refugees arriving in Italy from Ukraine. We know very well, in this moment, how important it is to count on correct and reliable indications. The realization of guidelines and videos - continues Sabina Nuti - was an opportunity to bring into reality those issues at the center of the research of our PhD Students, Researchers, Associate and Full Professors, confirming, even with this initiative, our solidarity and our concrete closeness to the Ukrainian population”.

The videos are available in the playlist on the YouTube channel of the Sant’Anna School HERE. In the description there are guidelines that refer to the site of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.